Just to let you know, you don't need to do a spoiler tag for an episode that's been aired. That's the point of making this new thread

I just used it because I was talking about the previews for next week (which I watch for Heroes but not for Lost).
As for the other stuff, I'll just go down the list:
- when did we see Peter use telekinesis?
- the woman with super hearing didn't "require an iPod" for her powers to work, which appears to be what you're implying. she used it to drown out the noise.
- I would argue that Peter and Sylar's powers inherently make them able to master other abilities much quicker than others. None of the people whom Sylar stole from had trained their abilities. Sylar tends to know how things work, and Peter through his training with Claude has gained a degree of control over whatever powers he comes into contact with. I'm sure that without that he would have hurt quite a few people when he met Ted.
- hasn't DL phased to avoid being shot before? Maybe I'm not remembering correctly.
- I agree, I'm pretty surprised that Ted didn't put up more of a fight, but I think that's why they (the writers) had Sylar crash the truck like he did. Ted was in pain and not thinking straight, and the others really should have done more to warn him about Sylar in the first place. Still, Ted had gained some mastery over his ability, so I would have liked to see a little tiff between them.
I think it was a little odd how the series left out Clea Duval's character for so many episodes in a row. She showed up for a couple minutes in this episode and she seemed more like a plot device than a character.